Images and words from my life.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Auto E-write-ica

After blogging for a few weeks now, I'm confronted with my small place in the world. I've browsed over some other blogs, and very few seem to really matter, except to a small, niched following of readers. My profile appears to have been viewed 52 times, and my page hit map shows one map pin location of a viewer, from Santa Monica, which is probably me via wherever my servers originate. So I'm left with the questions: Do my words matter? Do my photos interest anyone but myself? Who was I thinking would visit my page on a regular basis? And, most importantly, why do I care? Maybe my blog will be more a journal to myself, a way to collect some memories and thoughts and images which matter to me, and that should be enough.

My two favorite bloggers are still Raul and Richard, both once Lufkin residents and now living elsewhere, like myself. Raul's artistry is in his eloquent photos and words. Richard's appeal is his slice-of-life photos and dry humored writing. Thanks, guys, for unwittingly prodding me to achieve something new.


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