Operation Migration

Every year, a troup of fantastic people teach a new flock of young whooping cranes the migratory path from Wisconsin to Florida. This is part of an effort to re-establish a viable whooper population, reversing the near extinction of these magnificent birds. I read the daily field journal each year, following the trials and tribulations of the cranes and crew members. They've had batch of uncooperative weather this year so far and haven't had many fly days.
You can follow their progress through the field journal. If you can donate to this operation, they need your help!
I follow enterprises like Operation Migration in order to retain a sense of hope. Iraq, Skid Row, melting ice caps and potential anguish are all trumped by the good works of good folks.
An aside...if you haven't seen Amistad, rent it this weekend. I finally saw it last night and was rewarded by the story of brave people all around.
Labels: Amistad, Operation Migration
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