Weekend Review

Ah, let's see...
Friday night we STAYED IN as usual so as to watch Battlestar Galactica! If you aren't watching this show, you need to.
Saturday, lazy day. Discovered all the washers in my building are "broken" with no estimated repair/replacement date. Why this wasn't posted somewhere like on the bulletin board by the mailboxes is beyond me.
Sunday, we went to see "The Departed." Nothing like a mob/crooked cop movie on the Day of Rest! I was surprised at how many times I laughed in this tragic tale of rats and bullets through the head. Was justice served? You be the judge. Oscar for Scorsese? I won't predict.
I've started another blog for my mandala work, the idea being to share mandala facts and trivia, promote my Mandala Workshop enterprise, and post a daily mandala for you to enjoy. Check it out!
Labels: battlestar galactica, weekends
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