Images and words from my life.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


I love the southern night sky in winter. When we first moved to LA, Orion always greeted me when I took Toby out for our evening walk. I was pretty miserable, since my partner and I were in a terrible place in our relationship, money was tight, and things just weren't going as planned when we ran away from Chicago. Lesson: running away doesn't solve anything.

Orion gazes down, securely belted, guarding me against insanity, creditors, and lost hope. Thank you, mighty hunter.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Go Hillary!

I am still 100% behind John Edwards, but I'm so proud that Hillary pulled it off tonight in New Hampshire! I'm too lazy to try and figure out if she's the first woman to win a US presidential primary or not.. I know Jesse Jackson won several primaries in '84 and '88, but can't figure out if HRC has taken that record.

Maybe John Edwards sounds too Southern, and people are reminded of the shrub's accent, faux Texan that he is. Whatever it is, it's not over yet, though I hate to think how many gazillion Hillary will raise between now and the next primary.

I'm the only one in my household who cares, so I can't have any political discussions with anyone around here! Rats! I shouldn't have called Quinnette a Republican. She'll never forgive me nor will she talk politics with me again, which I probably deserve.

Oh, an aside. Had fun at the Critics Choice Awards last night. Best moment was being about 8 feet from Queen Latifa. Should have jockeyed for a spot at Brad and Angelina's table.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Do I really want/need to blog?

Lately I've acquired a new addiction, There is no end to the pleasure I get reading the full left spectrum of Kossak diaries. So, should I take up blogging again after almost a year of posting nothing at jonsnook? Perhaps. Maybe this is a start. Since it's Iowa caucus day, I'm pretty pumped. I hate having to wait all day for the fun to even start, but that's the nature of the caucus.

Let's's January 3rd, so maybe I can post something about my goal/resolution for 2008. I'm giving myself permission this year. Permission to be wrong, or right. Permission to make mistakes. Permission to laugh, and cry. Permission to be healthy. Permission to dream big.

So, there ya go. A new post for the new year. If anyone is reading, I hope you enjoy my musings on myself and the world.