Images and words from my life.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

39 and a day

I've been treading on this planet for 39 years now. That puts me squarely in middle age-dom, I think. I'm not much for lists, and goal-setting has never held much interest (hence the state of my affairs), but I thought I'd start dream up a set of accomplishments to strive for in the coming year before I hit 40!!!!

  • make a lasting friendship
  • create something of beauty
  • blog 3x/week at a minimum (meaning I have 2 more entries to make just this week, and it's already Thursday!)
  • take a 2 week vacation
Four goals in 364 days shouldn't be too challenging. The great thing about goal lists is that they can be updated at any time, so stay tuned...

Oh, and if you're wondering, for my birthday, I took my boyfriend/partner to the airport, worked, and went to bed early. Nice, ay?


Blogger Kuntry Konfession said...

then i'd imagine, he owes you much when he comes back, no?-hope it was a blast!
belated happy birthday!

3:15 PM


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