Library Day

I haven't been a library browser for too long. Online browsing has taken the place of wandering up and down random library shelves, discovering hidden jewels forged long before the first webpage was coded. I miss those days.
Images and words from my life.
I've become a blogger because:
Stumbling through the blogosphere, I've recently found two blogs by former Lufkinites like myself who are now living far from our hometown. Though I don't know either blogger that well, the feeling of connection is strong. It's something about having a shared experience, in our case, growing up in a somewhat isolated town in East Texas. Raul was a year or two ahead of me, and Richard and I travelled in different social circles, but Lufkin, Texas, has, I'm sure, put an indelible stamp on each of us. Things like little league baseball, the Rudolf oil pump, the paper mill, pine trees, and one channel tv (thanks, Raul!). Also, living in a dry county, Clark's, Godfather's Pizza, and Friday night football.
Last night, after exiting the subway stop and waiting to cross the street on my way home from work, a prophet or schizophrenic or maybe an angel hollered "A criminal always returns to the scene of the crime." This has stuck with me and got me thinking about a life of routines, of places returned to with shocking regularity, of how many "crimes" I have commited in the places I frequent the most. Mainly, home and work. I'm afraid that I'm the perp of too many crimes at home, something I'm deeply ashamed of and regret immensely.
I stumbled onto someone's blog today while killing time before lunch, and decided that rather than just surf blogs, I should start my own. Hopefully something positive will come from this, such as an end to world hunger, a cure for toenail fungus, or eternal bliss for Brad and Angelina. Who knows. Anyway, hope whoever is reading will come back soon. Cheers.